Holy Butt Nuggets!

So much is happening that I don’t know what to do with myself!

1. I deleted my personal facebook account. I made this decision because I am finding myself too distracted with things and certain individuals on da book.  I’m allowing these distractions take away from my training because I can’t shut my mind off from it. So in order to stay focused I made the choice to delete the page for now.  Don’t fret, I’ll get back on in August.   In the mean time I created a facebook page for my blog where I will continue to add updates regarding my training.  Anything I do online I want it to be goal related.  With that said if you have not already “liked” the page here is the link for your liking enjoyment.  Go nuts: Beauty in the Buff’s Facebook Page

2. My sister and her fiancé (so weird saying that) suggested I start vlogging.  It’s actually something I have thought about and I even made a youtube channel for when I am ready try it out.  My hesitations and insecurities with vlogging are basically no different than they were when I started my blog.  So I am just going to have to jump right in and go nuts with it.  However, it certainly wouldn’t hurt if you had any suggestions of specific topics you want to see.

3. Most exciting news of all! I have briefly mentioned that I was going to be writing an article for an online magazine.  Actually maybe I haven’t…I am going to be writing an article for an online magazine!  The article is based on my decision to compete and an overview of what has been happening.  If the article gets a good response I will do a 6 week follow up with them and a final competition post.  It will be going live on June 4th and I am nervous-excited about this. I don’t consider myself a writer and I am still shocked when people tell me they like my blog. And here I am, challenging myself in another unknown way in hopes to get good feedback.  What is going on with my life? Who am I right now?

As it gets closer I will definitely update you on where you can catch my article but in the mean time be prepared for some minor freakout insecure moments.  They will happen.

Despite these great things my training has sucked.  I’ve been mentally suffering but slowly coming back.  My motivation is low, very low. I’m just going through the motions without any purpose and it is killing me inside because I am the 12 week mark.  Typically 12 weeks is when people start training and even though there are other first timers like me who started further out than that, in my head I keep thinking, “all of my competition is going hard now. No room for error!” Unfortunately this week has been error filled and it is stressing me out.  I know I need to let it go, brush off the day and keep moving forward.  I also know that I will be able to do that but I just needed it to happen yesterday.

Despite my mental break downs and crazy moments, I keep reminding myself that I am right where I should be.  Things like this article and blog are becoming constant reminders that good things are happening so don’t give up!

I won’t. I may get a little crazy, but I won’t give up.  Not this time.



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